Stoke up the boat; pump out the music; Cactus Juice will really blow your mind !
If you want a board that knows no limits; lives within no boundaries; heeds no challenge; then grab a Cactus Juice and go stomp out an unreal set !
Ingredients: Fibreglass and carbon graphite ‘web’ wrap; epoxy resin impregnated; blown closed cell foam core with carbon batten insert; stainless steel binding retention system; poly-acrylite top sheet and ‘dura clear’ running surface.
Four wide stance fins - and a whole lot more just for good measure !
Weight 3.4 kg; Tip & Tail Rocker 5.7cm; Side Cut 4.32
Sizes: 133 x 42.5 cm # RM-1533
137 x 43.5cm. # RM-1537
$625.00 Incl GST